Congratulations to Matt Chapman, Juan Graterol and CC Sabathia,for sharing this week's Jimmy Duggan Award. Each of them gets a certified MLB hankie to wipe his eyes and blow his nose, which is clearly out of joint.
Sabathia earns his piece of this prestigious prize for whining about how the Red Sox' Eduardo Nunez successfully bunted on him.
As you might be aware, Sabathia is a fat tub of goo who is disadvantaged in his ability to run, bend over and stand straight, all of which is necessary in the fielding of bunts. Kinda makes you wonder why teams don't just lay down one bunt after another on him.
Graterol deserves the honor for boo-hooing about Oakland batters peaking at his signs from the catcher's box.
Give Graterol credit: his .434 OPS suggests this might constitute the peak of his fame. If this is the best Anaheim can produce at the backstop position, then they might be well-served reaching high dudgeon about sign stealing since they can't bank on remaining in the Wild Card race.
Chapman might have a greater claim than Graterol to the award. He took strong exception to the Angels' catcher glaring at him.
"It's not a very comfortable feeling having the catcher stare at you when you're digging into the box," he complained.
Heaven forbid the opposition make you uncomfortable! Next thing you know, they'll throw pitches that curve!
Since when did Major League Baseball start playing its games in the obstetrics unit? Waaa!
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